Math 115 Linear Algebra for Engineering, Fall 2020

Undergraduate course, University of Waterloo, 2020

Course Description: This is a course on linear algebra and its applications to engineering. Topics to be covered include complex numbers; vectors, lines and planes; systems of linear equations; matrices, linear transformations and determinants; introduction to vector spaces; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and diagonaliza- tion; and additional topics as time permits. We approach the material through a blend of theoretical ideas, computational methods and some applications.

Intended Learning Outcomes: • Solve problems using complex numbers and describe how they differ from real numbers • Solve geometrical problems using vectors, lines, and planes • Explain the concepts of linear independence, spanning, subspaces, and bases • Solve systems of linear equations using matrices and inverse matrices • Recognize the link between matrices and linear mappings, and work with certain linear mappings including projections, reflections, and rotations • Locate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix and diagonalize a matrix • Understand the basic concepts of abstract vector spaces


Course Syllabus